2023 Inclusion Festival

On Friday 1st December The London Irish Foundation hosted their Annual Inclusion Festival in celebration of the International Day of Persons' Disability (03.12.2023) at Braywick Leisure Centre. Key stage 4 attended with other schools and local clubs. We tried a variety of inclusive sports as well as adapted games such as Rugby Netball, Walking Football, Boccia, Inflatables, Target Games, Cornhole, Disk Throwing, New Age Bowls, Quoits, New Age Kurling.


Ethan - It was a very good day out; I enjoyed playing the walking, football and rugby. 

Dante - I liked the dodgeball, it was very competitive. 

Joe - I enjoyed the walking football, but it was too tempting to just run! 

Harvey - It was Fun! 

Skylar - I enjoyed the rugby, and the walking football. 

Ryland - I liked the rugby and meeting the mascot