Pupil Premium and Sports Premium Funding
We receive additional funding in three areas to help support the learning of young people in school. This page will hopefully give you an understanding of what it is spent on and its impact. If you have any particular queries please don't hesitate to get in contact.
The Castle School: Pupil Premium
"Pupils who are eligible for additional government funding, including pupil premium and ‘catch-up’ funding, make equally good progress. The school’s detailed tracking records clearly show that there are no differences in the attainment of these pupils in English or mathematics, to the rest of the school and they achieve more highly than pupils nationally with similar learning disabilities."
Please click here to read our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement. This includes information on the use of Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium for this year 2024-2025, as well as a summary of outcomes for the previous year 2023-2024.
PE and Sports Premium
Along with all other schools in England, we have been given extra funds to support PE for pupils in years 1 to 6. Please click here to read our impact statement for 2023-2024